Multicoloured iris in Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to add a multicoloured iris effect to an image in Photoshop. This effect uses the gradient and quick mask tool to create the multicoloured iris.

Multicoloured iris in Photoshop

Step 1

Open an image in Photoshop that contain eyes and duplicate the layer by selecting Ctrl + J.

Step 2

Make a selection around the eye using either with the quick mask tool or the pen tool.

Step 3

Desaturate the selection by selecting Image > Adjustments > Desaturate and insert a new layer Ctrl + Shift + N.

Step 4

Select the gradient tool with any coloured gradient you choose. I have selected the rainbow gradient. Make sure you also select the ‘Angle gradient’ option as shown below.

Step 5

Drag a gradient within the selection of the eye like below. If you are unhappy with your gradient you can undo the selection and reapply the gradient.

Step 6

Deselect the selection around the eye Ctrl + D, and then change the blending option of the layer to ‘Overlay’. You can experiment with the various settings if you wish. If the colour of the overlay is too intense you can add a Gaussian blur by selecting Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur.

You should now have a multicoloured iris in Photoshop.

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