Free paper texture

I previous wrote a post on operating system wallpapers. These wallpapers contained the operating system icon and were created using real paper. This time I have provided a set of high resolution textures of paper which are available to download for free. I believe these textures are actual image paper, and are not graphically created.

To download any of the textures below simply select the texture, and right click on the image then select ‘Save as’ from menu. Checkout the blog post on free photoshop textures for a list of different places you can download textures.

Feel free to leave any comments if you know any good places for Photoshop textures.

Free stone textures

I previously wrote a tutorial on creating a rocky texture. This time I have provided free high resolution textures which are available to download for free. To download any of the textures below simply select the texture, and right click on the image then select ‘Save as’ from menu.

Related posts
Free burnt paper texture
Free textures

Free social bookmark icons

I previously wrote a post on hand drawn icons. This time I will provide a list of graphically created social bookmark icons. All the icons are available to download to free. – jwloh contains of 30 individual icons of the popular social networks/Web 2.0 sites out there some of the icon include: blogger, digg, myspace etc.

Social Media Mini Iconpack

The icon include 30 (16x 16) social icon all free to download.

Web 2.0rigami – I Am Paddy

This is a collection of 15 Origami style.

Social Icons Made of Wood

These social icons have the appearance of wood. There are 11 icons in this set.

Social Bookmark Iconset: Part II

A collection of 10 icon style social bookmarks.

We function icon set

Create a barcode

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple barcode in Photoshop using only a few filters. A barcode is a commonly mark you see on most product such as books, cds etc.

Create a barcode

Step 1

Open a new Photoshop document with the size 200 x 150 dimensions.
Select Filter > Noise > Add Noise and add the following settings:

  • Amount = 350%
  • Distribution = Uniform

Step 2

Select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and then add the following setting like below. The motion blur creates the vertical lines of the bar code.
  • Angle = 90
  • Distance = 800

Step 3

Insert a new layer Ctrl + Shift + N.
Select a white foreground colour and then the rectangle tool with the ‘fill pixels options’ selected. And drag a rectangle shape at the bottom of the barcode like below:

Step 4

Now add some text to the white area using black foreground colour.

You should now have a barcode.

Glass texture

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create a glass texture effect. You need to use various effect filters for this tutorial.

Glass texture

Step 1

Open a new Photoshop document with the size 640 x 480.
Set the foreground colour to #6edbff and the background colour to #000000.

Step 2

Select Filter > Render > Clouds and you should get the following pattern.

Step 3

Select Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap and add the following settings:

  • Highlight strength = 10
  • Details = 5
  • Smoothness = 3

Step 4

Select Filter > Distort > Glass and add the following settings below:

  • Distortion = 10
  • Smoothness = 3
  • Texture = Tiny Lens
  • Scaling = 80%

Step 5

Now duplicate the current layer by selecting Ctrl + J and change the blend mode to ‘Screen’.

You should now have a glass texture effect.