8 Free Manga Fonts

I previously wrote a post on 8 free Graffiti Font. This time I will write a post on Manga style fonts. Manga is basically a word for a Japanese comic or printed cartoon, so Manga font is fonts you would find in a Manga comic. The fonts used in Manga are unique to this particular style of design.

Below I have provided a collection of Manga style font which are free to download.

Anime Ace



Sky Wing

Tokyo Roboto BB

Big Fish Ensemble


Ninja Nurato

Bluer sky

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to make the sky in an image more blue in colour. This effect requires using the photo filters from the image adjustment.

Bluer sky

Step 1

Open an image in Photoshop with a blue sky.

Step 2

Select the brush with an appropriate size and hit the ‘Q’ key to enter the quick mask mode, and then paint the area of the sky. The sky should appear in a red colour like below:

Step 3

Exit the quick mask mode by selecting the ‘Q’ key again. Then choose Select > Inverse. You should get a similar image like below:

Step 4

Select Image > Adjustment > Photo Filter. Then choose the ‘Cool Filter (80)’ and change the density to 30%. You can experiment with the various filters and densities if you wish.

You should now have a bluer looking sky. If you compare the original with new looking sky, you will notice a drastic colour different.

Free cardboard textures

I wrote a post about free paper textures the other day. This time I will provide a collection of free cardboard textures. These textures are high resolution images of real cardboard.

If you want to download these textures simply click on the texture and right click and select ‘Save As’ from the drop down menu.

Fire background

In this tutorial you will learn a fire background effect using the cloud filter in Photoshop. This process is quick and only requires three steps.

Fire background

Step 1

Open a new Photoshop document with the size 640 x 480 dimensions.
Select Filter > Render > Clouds and you should get the following:

Step 2

Then select Filter > Render > Difference Clouds and you should get the following. If you are unhappy with your clouds you can select Ctrl + F to repeat the cloud filter.

Step 3

You now need to add the fire colour by selecting Image > Adjustment > Gradient Map. Double click on the drop down menu and the gradient editor should appear and add the following colours.

You should now have a fire background.