Free Photoshop actions

Photoshop actions are basically ways of performing repeated tasks easily. An action is a recorded sequence of commands that can be saved and played at a later stage. You can add actions for pretty much any procedure such as resize an image, adding filters, changing colours etc.

To use/install an action you can drag the .atn file directly into the action panel or you can drag it into the Photoshop action folder in the Photoshop directory. Another way is to select the "load Actions" from the actions panel which will load the action anywhere from your hard drive.

There are places on the internet that provide free Photoshop actions created by other Photoshop users. Below is a list of free Photoshop actions.

  • visual-blast - 124+ Free Photoshop Actions to Boost Your Designs.
  • Actionfx - 100+ free photoshop action. Work in all version.

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