Analogue TV effect

In this Photoshop tutorial you will learn how to create an analogue TV effect on an image. This effect will give blurry horizontal lines on your image. I have used a free stock image of a living room for this tutorial. A huge list of free stock image can be found here.

Analogue TV effect

Step 1

Open your image in Photoshop and duplicate the background layer by pressing Ctrl + J on the keyboard.

Step 2

Select Filter> Sketch> Halftone and add the following settings. I have set the size to 1, the contrast to 12, and the pattern type to line.

Step 3

Add a motion blur to your image by selecting Filter > Blur > Motion Blur then apply the following settings. You may change the distance depending on the size of your image.

Step 4

To return colour to your image, you need to change the blending option of the layer. Now change the blending option to ‘Soft Light’.

You should now have a Analogue TV effect.

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